
The system also offers a system for signing documents. By selecting the “Sign” option, a form is displayed that, by default, is used to sign pdf documents. As shown in the image, the form asks for the file to be signed and the physical location of the signature, which will be placed on the last page of the document. The option to sign the documents in a folder is offered.
Both in the case of uploading a document, and if you want to upload the entire contents of a folder, the total size cannot exceed 7MB.


If you expand the information at the top of the page, you can see the type of document and the signature format that it generates

1. Signature tool

In order to produce the signatures, the Signasuite uses the digital certificate-based electronic signature functionalities of VALid. It is a centralized service that offers an alternative to java applets for signing documents in web environments. You can find more information about the service at:
Once the document, or documents, to be signed have been selected, Signasuite will make a request to this VALid functionality and redirect the user to carry out the electronic signature, offering the necessary tools to do so that are available.

2. Signature without signature app installed

If the user does not have any special software installed to do this, the system will prompt the user to download a Java Web Start (jnlp) file that will run the signing application, showing step-by-step instructions to carry out In this case, the user will need to have a java virtual machine and its certificate properly installed. The user must follow the on-screen instructions carefully.

As seen in the image, the instructions indicate that a jnlp file has been generated, which should be downloaded and run. This file is the application that will perform the signing of the document. They are unique and different files for each signature operation.

Running the file, a screen will be displayed where the user can choose the certificate to use. When doing so, the Signasuite user will be shown a screen that will allow the download of the signed document.

3. Signature with native application

To prevent users from having to download a jnlp file every time they want to execute an electronic signature process, the AOC Consortium has prepared a native installable application available for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Mac that replaces your need. This can be downloaded from the "native application" link at . If a user has this native application installed, what the VALid web signer will do instead of offering to download the jnlp file is to directly display its list of certificates to produce the signature.

The result of the operation will be the same.