Below we explain how the different identification systems accepted by the application work. Select what you want to use:
idCAT Mobile
The idCAT Mòbil is the electronic identification and signature system through mobile devices that the AOC Consortium, in collaboration with the Administration of the Generalitat de Catalunya, offers to citizens and that can be used to complete procedures with the administrations and bodies that make up the public sector of Catalonia. 

- How is the identification process with idCAT Mobile?
- You can get it from the idCAT Mobile website
- In case of doubts about the idCAT Mobile, consult its idCAT Mobile Support Portal
Digital certificates
The vast majority of digital certificates can be used, such as, for example, the idCAT Certificate, DNI-e, FNMT certificates, etc.
- You can validate the operation of your certificate (of any issuer) from the AOC's Signasuite website
- To obtain the idCAT Certificate, visit the idCAT Certificate website
- In case of doubts about the idCAT Certificate, consult their idCAT Certificate Support Portal
- If in doubt about the other certificates, contact the corresponding issuer
Cl@ve is a system aimed at unifying and simplifying citizens' electronic access to public services. The main objective is for the citizen to be able to identify himself to the Administration using agreed keys (username and password), without having to remember different keys to access the various services.
- You will find all the necessary information to obtain it on the Cl@ve website
- If in doubt, consult the FAQ or open a support request in the Cl@ve contact form